Barefoot adulthood is an experimental photographic project which consists in a
collection of 8 pictures, that have been brought to life from the fundamentals of the
direct relationship between one's childhood and the place where they spent it.

The whole project was based on experimenting a childhood habit in the same place
they did back then, but as an adult now, with the purpose to capture the moment of
reconnection with the inner child.
Laurentiu Porumboi did the modelling and performance. We went to his childhood
house, and continued exploring all the places he used to go frequently, until this almost
in the woods backyard, caught him reminiscing about old memories in which he would
get out of school, have dinner at his grandma’s (which was just right next to his
parent’s house) and after that he would enjoy the evening playing barefoot football (and
other local games) with his neighbours in that backyard.

Once we have established the place, I proposed a little exercise, in which I asked him
to get as much as he can, in touch with the place, that meaning being barefoot,
touching the grass as he did as a child. Roaming the space but also his thoughts and
memories, reviving them, feeling the evening sunshine laying on his skin just the way it
would while he was playing football more than half a decade ago.
After he started doing that, we entered in a very dynamic and pleasant atmosphere,
and that’s when the magic happened. We didn’t need to talk about his experience in
situ, he would just be, and I would just portrait him being, living, feeling, thinking in this
nostalgic but yet enjoyable moment.

Concept, photography and editing by Diana Galan. Modelling and performance by
Laurentiu Porumboi.



